Sunday, May 5
Northern Pines Golf Course
10 am Shotgun Start

Participant Registration
$500/Team or $125/Individual
$5 per mulligan, max 2 per player
Includes 18 Holes at Northern Pines, Cart & Lunch.
Low Gross, Net & Hole Prizes!
Tournament is limited to the first 100 paid participants, first to pay/first reserved.
Entry Fees (Memo: Golf) can be paid online, at the tournament or mailed to:
Kalispell Lakers Baseball
P.O. Box 8444
Kalispell, MT 59904

Hole Sponsorships
$300 per sign at one of the 18 holes.
Hole Sponsor signs will be placed at one of the 18 holes. This may be multiplied by more than one hole
Click the link to sponsor!
Please email your logo to LakersExec@outlook.com
Payment is accepted online or via check (payable to Kalispell Lakers Baseball)
P.O. Box 8444
Kalispell, MT 59904